Registration Process

Participation in the consortium is through nomination only.
Here are the 5 steps to complete the nomination and registration process:

  1. Each institute will nominate two of their best doctoral students to participate in the prestigious 2015 AIM-AMA Sheth Foundation Doctoral Consortium. The students will be nominated by the Director of the Institute / Head or Chairperson of the Department or Area/ Head or Chairperson of the Doctoral Program. The nominated students are expected to complete their course work and comprehensive examinations by December 31, 2014.
  2. The nominating authority will share the name, year of study and email address of the nominated students with us.
  3. The nominated students are expected to download the nomination form, fill in all required information including a 500-word abstract of their thesis and email it to us. Invitations will be sent to selected nominated students along with the registration link.
  4. These selected students are required to use the specific email address shared with us by their institute to register through the online link we provide. Individual data with food preference and accommodation preferences and other relevant details will be obtained during the online registration process.
  5. At the end of the registration process, students will be directed to make payments through the online payment gateway of IMT. Registration fee for participants including boarding and lodging is USD 300 (For AIM members, the fee is Rs. 15,000). Those who are unable to make the payment online have to punch in the DD / Cheque number during the registration process and courier the documents to IMT Ghaziabad.

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